Answered By: Cathay
Last Updated: Nov 21, 2024     Views: 497

This resource is intended to guide you through the process of requesting a book through interlibrary loan. Outlined below are the steps to place a request.

1. Sign in to FLIN SHAREit

Navigate to the library's SHAREit interlibrary loan service 

Select "Patron" and log in using your library card number with no spaces or dashes. Your account will automatically be made after clicking "Submit."












2. Search for the item


You can search for items by title, author, subject, and even the ISBN using the search bar located at the top of the page; the default search option is 'Keyword.' SHAREit will attempt to suggest search terms as you type. Clicking on one of these suggested terms or hitting the Enter key will search the system for relevant titles from all libraries participating in FLIN SHAREit. (Tip: You can also use the Advanced Search feature to refine your search by author, title, and even format type.)

3. View the search results

The results of your search will begin to appear in either a list or grid view on the page. It may take time for the system to check all of the participating libraries' catalogs, so please be patient.

Click on the book cover image if you would like additional details. If the title is available, the 'Request this Item' button will appear, shaped like a pointing index finger. Clicking this button will automatically fill out a request form for the title.

4. Submitting a request

Verify that all of the details in the request form are accurate, and that you are requesting the correct title. If you are unsure and want to go back to the search results on the previous page, hit the gray cancel button. You will have the option to add special instructions and adjust pickup details within the form. When you're ready, click 'Submit,' and your request will be sent to our interlibrary loan team for approval.

Congratulations! You've just requested an item via interlibrary loan!

To track the status of your requests or if you have any questions, please call us at 941-861-1110 or contact us through our Ask Us email, text, chat service or in person

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