Answered By: Diego
Last Updated: Jan 17, 2025     Views: 156

Comics Plus LogoComics Plus is an always-available digital collection of comics, graphic novels, and manga that can be accessed through a web browser, smartphone, or tablet. A library card offers unlimited use of the service, and borrowing through Comics Plus does not require a checkout, holds/waitlists for popular items, or monthly borrowing limits on materials. Comics can be streamed through the site/app, or can be downloaded to a device for offline use. 

Comics Plus provides access to two collections for Sarasota County Libraries users: the Childrens' Library, with material suited for pre-teen readers; and the Full Collection, which includes all materials that the service offers for a variety of ages from youth to adult.



Getting Started

You will need an active Sarasota County Library card to use Comics Plus. Comics Plus can be found online through the Digital Library under "Books and Reading."


For Web Browser:

  1. Use the following link:
  2. Type "Sarasota". The textbox open a dropdown with the two library options as you are typing.
  3. Select "Childrens Library" if setting Comics Plus for a child; otherwise, select "Full Collection".
    Comics Plus Web Version Collection Select
  4. Type in your Library Card Number in the next text box, then select "Log In".
    Comics Plus Web Version Library Selected

For Mobile App (Android, Apple):

The Comics Plus App can be found and downloaded in two ways:

  • Clicking the "Comics" on the CloudLibrary app Home page, which automatically opens the app store to Comics Plus.
  • Going to your app store (Google Play, App Store) and searching for "Comics Plus"
    Comics Plus on Google Play

Logging into Comics Plus

The login steps for Comics Plus are nearly identical in both the mobile app and web versions

  1. Open the Comics Plus link or the app. If prompted, select "Get Started."
    Comics Plus App Launch Page
  2. On the login page, type "Sarasota". The textbox open a dropdown with the two library options as you are typing.
    Note:Select "Childrens Library" if setting Comics Plus for a child; otherwise, select "Full Collection".
    Comics Plus Mobile App Library Search
  3. In the next text box, type in your Library Card Number in the next text box, then click/tap "Log In."
    Comics Plus App Login Page

Using Comics Plus

Comics Plus, in both the mobile app and web versions, functions similarly to cloudLibrary. The top displays the web version, the bottom displays the mobile version. 

Comics Plus Landing Page Web    Comics Plus Landing Page Mobile

Comics Plus opens on the Featured page by default, displaying materials featured by Comics Plus including new arrivals, seasonal offerings, and more. You can also navigate through the different sections: Popular, Just Added, Categories, or Publishers. In the mobile app, you can select the hamburger button Comics Plus Hamburger Button at the top left of the app to see the other sections. 

Comics Plus Hamburger button Menu

You can also use the search bar, or the magnifying glass button Comics Plus Search Button at the top right of the mobile app, to search by title or keyword. 

On any section or search, you can filter the results using the filter tools. All options available are displayed in the web version:

Comics Plus Web Version Filters

In the mobile app, click on the Filter  icon to open a sidebar with the full options:

Comics Plus Mobile App Filter Menu

Through Account you can view app information or logout of your account.


Borrowing Comics

The borrowing process in Comics Plus is identical between the web and mobile versions; it just looks slightly different depending on which you are using.

  1. Select a title from one of the sections or in the results of your search. 
  2. When the page loads to a description of the title, you will have options displayed. Top is web version, bottom is mobile version:
    Comics Plus Web Version Title SelectComics Plus Mobile App Title Select
  3. To stream the comic immediately, click "Read Now" or the "Play" button Comics Plus Web Version Read Now button to be taken to the reader.
  4. To download the comic to read later (mobile app), click "Download Now"
  5. To add the title to your shelf to easily find later, click "Add to My Shelf" or the "+" button Comics Plus Web Version Add to My Shelf button. The button will change to "Remove from My Shelf" or the "-" button Comics Plus Web Version Remove from My Shelf button
  6. To share the title through social media or another app, click the "Share" button Comics Plus Share button


My Shelf

Adding titles to My Shelf allows you to save them for easier access, similarly to cloudLibrary's Saved list.

My Shelf also contains several filtering options, including by category, product type (comic, graphic novel, manga), publisher, reading progress, date borrowed or released, downloaded items, and more.

Selecting/hovering over the title provides the same options as selecting it from the search as above. 

Top is the web version, bottom is the mobile app:

Comics Plus Web Version Title DetailsComics Plus Mobile App My Shelf


Using the Reader

The reader in Comics Plus is kept simple: simply use the arrow keys or swipe to turn the page. Within both versions of the service, you can access additional reader options by clicking any part of the page.
You can zoom in or out of pages, scroll through and select other pages beyond swiping, or set one or two pages to display at a time. The web version also gives you the option to display "tri-panel" to allow for vertical scrolling when you advance the page. While the additional options are on screen, selecting "Close" or the "X" icon will leave the reader.
Top is the web version, bottom is the mobile app:

Comics Plus Web Version ReaderComics Plus Mobile App Reader


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