As of Monday, October 14:  Venice, Osprey and Shannon Staub Libraries are open regular hours. 
Please check the library's website for updated info.

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Have a Suggestion for our Library's Collection?

Image showing "Suggest a Title for Purchase" above an open bookWe're eager to hear from our community regarding items you'd like to see on the shelves and on our ebook/downloadable audiobook collection.  Please use our "Purchase Suggestion Form" to request items for consideration. After submitting your request, you'll hear back from the Collection Development librarians within a few days letting you know whether the Library can obtain the title.

Please keep those suggestions coming!  We're glad to hear from you! 

Chat with us!

Need a library card but can't get to the library?

You can set up a video conferencing appointment to get one!

Set up a Video Chat Appointment to get a new library card!

Image of a video chat with a patron on Microsoft Teams and librarian to get a new library card.Can't get to the library in person? Get a new library card through the convenience of your computer or device!  We can then verify your ID over a webcam.  Set up a video chat appointment today!

Get Tech Navigator Help.

Click here to request an Appointment with our Tech Navigators

Sarasota County Libraries Tech Navigators are library staff who act as trusted guides who assist the community with the internet and the use of computing devices. Tech navigation services include ongoing assistance with technical skills, application support, and the promotion of library digital resources. Appointments are one-on-one. Request an appointment today!

Library Quick Answers and "How tos".